Rusty Chicken Thighs – Fast and Easy Grilled Chicken Marinade Recipe

Learn how to make Rusty Chicken Thighs! Visit for the ingredients, more info a…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

I enjoy breast too.
Willa blender do to mix the marinade?
Check out my recipe of this dish /watch?v=6lfWnJTfg1s
Just made this and it is AMAZING!
I want this in my mouth now
As always Chef John is the best! =)
#foodwishes #cooking #youtube .
Your awesome!!!
“I love breasts dont get me wrong” “thighs are way better”can i have both
if anyone catches my drift LOL
I enjoy breasts, don’t get me wrong
I added dijon mustard and schug and it came out great
did u say sambal?malaysian?indonesian? ^^
its 2!!!!and im hungry. damn it !!!
Excellent video and recipe. Tried it today. It was simple to do and
delicious. I cut back a little on the chili paste just to be on the safe
side. That won’t happen again. Thanks for posting it, Chef John!
I’m doin this today!
dude i love you!!
FOOD PORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, like being caught staring at the thighs is so much better!
I just made these for my family on Canada Day. They were so yummy. Thanks,
Chef John!
I recommend a garlic press.
can i put this in the oven?
i dont have a grill so hopefully i get the same delicious results in the
“I enjoy breast, dont get me wrong…”
“my wife walking in saying what are you doing? i say: just staring at my
chicken, they’re so beautiful lol!”
hahha i love u..u funny.