Welcome to the SimpleCookingChannel. Things might get pretty simple sometimes but sometimes that’s just what a person needs. I hope you like my Anzac biscuit…

Welcome to the SimpleCookingChannel. Things might get pretty simple sometimes but sometimes that’s just what a person needs. I hope you like my Anzac biscuit…
Categories: Recipe Info Tags: Anzac, biscuits., Cookies
Do you have to put in oats
Ha ha ha,I can’t believe that somebody asked if its legal to make ANZAC
Cookies on any other day apart from Anzac Day..In Aus we have the Cookie
Police,So if you get caught making them on any other day apart from ANZAC
day you will get an 18 month jail Sentence!!!!
very good thank you
Australian & New Zealand Army Core
You should go on masterchef or my kitchen rules some cooking show cuz you
seem to be a very good cook
So i will not be arrested?
Yesss Make Ceviche
Mmm, I bet the coconut and oatmeal makes for great aroma and flavour. Must
give it a try ‘way up here in Canada. Thanks!
i made some of the cookies and they are tasty
lol it’s not mine at all. Was it like a homer moment when his cereal caught
on fire?
lol thanks
Its to bad the ANZACs were massacred in ww1 and never really recovered from
it in time for ww2. Although we can thank them for there service in ww1 and
especially during the Battle of Somme.
I think i will be making a milky way smoothie
I bet you have the best life.
I know
Do u have to add coconut
How much sugar?!
That’s awesome. Thanks
Australian and New Zealand Army Corps* not core, its just pronounced core.
Are you going to?
haha he always dose that at the end of the video *mmmmm omg this is so
nice, mmmmmm* haha
I love Anzac biscuits.. Made some the other day for the first time